Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2016


Donald Trump just said something that he was not supposed to say, and it is something that Barack Obama will never admit. 
[also read In A Short Speech Putin Strips Down Naked EVERY Dirty Game Hillary Clinton Played: ISIS, Syria And More…(VIDEO) ]
During an appearance on Sirius XM’s “Breitbart News Daily” on Tuesday morning, Trump stated that the Turkish government “looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil”.
This makes Trump the first presidential candidate to tell the truth about this to the American people. By now, just about everyone knows that ISIS is using Turkey as a home base, and I have previously written about how Turkey is “training ISIS militants, funneling weapons to them, buying their oil, and tending to their wounded in Turkish hospitals”. But a major U.S. politician, especially one running for the White House, could get into really hot water for saying these kinds of things about our NATO ally. You see, the truth is that the American people are not supposed to know that Turkey is actually on the same side as ISIS and has been facilitating the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars of oil that has been stolen by ISIS.
Just a few days ago, it was a really big deal when Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused Turkey of being “secret allies” with ISIS.
But for Donald Trump to say essentially the same thing is absolutely astounding. And this is why so many Americans are responding positively to his campaign. Trump just says whatever he thinks, and he doesn’t care about the consequences. 

Originally appeared at endoftheamericandream
Full article HERE

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